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2008年5月28日 星期三

All New mondeo-1

在愛車小銀的里程數已到規定保養的公里數的前提下, 上星期6早上,
星期6早上9點的高速公路真好開, 內側車道, 終於可以是超車道囉!
以時數110km的法定可容許最高速限, 駕著小銀往保養廠去,
偶而還是會有比我快的車駛近, 這時候就一定要拿出駕駛道德啦!
讓他, 並行注目式目測他漸漸離去, 真好, 沒有小龜龜霸占內線,

到了保養場, 接待人員一定會給你登記呀, 問你要做啥呀......
不啦不啦的..... 就跳過囉!
反正到保養廠, 我還是會親自去跟技師再說一遍, 順便跟他們打屁,
聊聊天, 套套交情啦!
套一句我最熟的技師的話, "這是一定要的啦!"
這時侯一定又有很多話, 阿....快轉跳過--->>>

重點來啦, 我問技師: ㄟ..你們家的new mondeo有試乘車了ㄇ?
他回我: 喔! 有啦! 我還以為你不會問哩! 早就幫你想好啦! 去業務那邊打個招呼, 就可以開去試試看囉!
心中的OS: e04! 這麼好! 阿怎麼不早說! 案哩!
我回他: 阿! 早說嘛! 這好康的耶!
他回我: 等等幫你用好, 就一起來去試試吧!
.... 這時候又有很多機車的對話, 跳過跳過, 講重點, kkk.....

拿到key啦, 拿到new mondeo的key啦! kkk.... 心中暗爽不已!
ㄟ? 沒有一般key的金屬部分??? keyless???
好一個keyless呀! 小咖的, 這難不到我的啦! 哈哈哈!
開門時, 喔! 好一個沉重的門呀, 份量就是跟我家的小銀有差, 阿! 對不起小銀, 主人沒有嫌你的意思!
只是實事求是, 工程師是不可以說謊的, 關門啦! 奶奶的, 聲音有差, 心中的為何一直出現一種愧疚感呢?
看下power, ㄢˋ! 沒反應???? @.@??? @.@??? @.@???
遜掉啦! 堂堂的高級工程師, 打不開new mondeo的enging, 那ㄟ安ㄋ?
看看HUB一下, 後!~~~~ 這個HUB會不會太花俏了, 我還以為是我以前做的7" PMP哩.
不過倒是很炫, 因為整合了所有行車資訊, 這個人機介面不錯,
不過本工程師, 是斯巴達派的, This is spartan!~~ XD
一切喜歡精簡, 不求花俏, 穩定為最高原則(不是說HUB不夠穩定唷),
就是喜歡簡單啦! 這是給死老百姓用的(心中的驕傲的OS),
話說回來, 原來是我沒踩煞車, 這才new mondeo的enging是不理我的,
來吧! Gentelman! start your enging!~~~~
ㄟ...我啟動了ㄇ? 這不是柴油車ㄇ?
怪怪? @_@a
怎麼這麼安靜, 這不是柴油車, 這不是柴油車,
i don't believe!
直到打開車門, 聽到啦啦啦...... 好吧! 他真的是柴油車.

像這種試乘車, 嘿嘿... 不用客氣, 用力踩吧!~~ This is spartan!~~ XD
這就是 spartan的精神! 徹底的, 用力的, 把它發揮出來吧! 哈哈哈....
先說唷! 我試車的時間可是中午12點喔!
車上有3名壯漢, 當然包含我, 冷氣當然是不用客氣的用啦! 爽! kkk....
先試試3/1油門 習慣一下他的脾氣, oh la shit! 這怎麼那麼像我家那隻SAAB 9000的感覺呀!


Homework 5-3-2008
Read Papers 12, 13, and 14. Write a brief summary within 200 words for each paper.

Empirical analysis of online social networks in the age of Web 2.0
by: Feng Fu, Lianghuan Liu, Long Wang

• It’s often a personal journal maintained on the web, which is easily and frequently updated by the blogger.
• Blogs are the fastest growing part of WWW.
• Social networking site provides service for messaging, sharing information, and communicating.
• It’s a flexible and convenient platform for individuals to form and maintain online friendships.
• SNS sometimes takes advantage of advancement to understand of complex networks, promote the increase and consolidation of online acquaintanceships.
• It’s also in return enhances the popularity of some social networking sites.
• The Vertices represent the bloggers, and the favorite links pointing from one blog to another denote.
• The online users are connected to one another based upon bilateral agreement.
• Moreover, to our best knowledge, empirical analysis of the structure of online social networks in the age of Web 2.0 is rarely considered in previous investigations.
• it’s meaningful and interesting to scrutinize the structural character of these online social networks in web2.0 age.

• We performed empirical analysis of two online social networks, and showed that both network have small world and scale free features already observed in real world and artificial network.
• We found that the blogging network shows disassortative mixing pattern in general, while Xiaonei network is an assortative one.
• Our case study might help us to understand the topological features of online social network in the age of Web 2.0.
• On top of two realistic network obtained in the study, simulations of dynamic processes can be integrated to investigate spreading process, evolution of cooperation, etc.

A short walk in the Blogistan
by: Edith Cohen, Balachander Krishnamurthy

Develop a methodology to identify emerging patterns on general data sets that comprise evolving communication networks by exploring how emerging interests and patterns can be extracted by tracking a seed collection of blogs that have been modified fairly recently. Present a collection of inferences and observations based on their study on identifying blogs, the growing spam problem in blogs, and how blog sites are accessed.

The blogs differs from traditional Web pages both in characteristics and potential to applications.
• The first part of their study is longitudinal—based on a five-week continuous fetch of a seed collection of nearly 10,000 blog URLs.
• The second part is based on a successive crawl of pages suspected to be blogs leading to a larger collection of several million URLs.
The second part, they extracted the links in each of the instances of the URLs to examine the individual blog page's link structure and to do an overall measurement of how the blog collection differed from nonblog Web pages. Then the collection is examined for a variety of properties.
• They characterize blogs and study different facets of the link structure in blogs and its evolution over time, attributes of servers and domains that host many of the blogs including their IP addresses, and how blogs behave with respect to various HTTP/1.1 protocol issues.
• Inferences from they in-depth exploration are relevant to applications ranging from mining to hosting of blogs and other issues of relevance to the measurement community.
• An important contribution of this research is the methodology they developed to identify emerging interests by mining byperlinks in blogs and their change overtime. The methodology constitutes a general approach to mine evolving interconnection networks that they believe can have applications well beyond the Blogistan. By canceling out “repeated patterns” they are able to identify emerging ones.
As the conclusion, this paper is the first widespread study to characterize individual blogs and the shape and shape of the blogistan.

Analysis of User Relations and Reading Activity in Weblogs
by: Tadanobu Furukawa, Tomofumi Matsuzawa, Yutaka Matsuo, Koki Uchiyama and Masayuki Takeda

First, a correlation indicating that users often visit blogs with strong relationship (various definitions for the relationship, such as comments and trackbacks, are considered in order to analyze which is the most effective for the purpose). Second, analyze whether blogs that are red frequently by the users can be identified from blog relationships.
Perform mining, using not only bookmarks, which have properties similar to hyperlinks, but also relationships such as comments and trackbacks, which are link relations unique to blogs. Also, by using a blog database, the reading behavior of the users can also be utilized as a form of relationship. One of the main purpose of their investigation is to analyze what information is an useful information to users.
In a blog network, there are many relations such as comment, trackback, and so on. The authors consider that if the relations are related to user’s reading activity, then we can extract useful information from the relations for using a recommendation system. So, In this paper:
They analyze which pages the users in a blog network read most frequently from the viewpoint of the relationship among blogs, and interpret the result.
They define the strength and type as the measure for relations, and analyze the correlation between those measures and users’ reading activity.
 The factors influencing reading by users are analyzed by a machine learning algorithm, and it is shown that reading through links occupies a large percentage of all reading activity in a blog network.
The acquired data also suggest that a blog that is the destination of comments of trackback actions by the manager of interest to the user.
 They attempt to determine the relations on which users regularly read the blogs.
This paper has analyzed blog networks focusing on unique relationships.
       The range of 2-hop connection from a blog is considered, and an attempt is made, by using the index, to reveal the reading behavior of users, such as strength and kind, on the basis of the number of routes.
 A tendency is found that users who repeatedly read a blog with a given interest also tend to repeatedly read other blogs that are targets of action by the owner of that blog. This tendency willprovide a basis for information recommendation
As a conclusion, it is evident that bookmarks have a strong effect, and that users circulate around the bookmarks in a blog network. Also, there's a tendency that users who repeatedly read a blog with a given interest also tend to repeatedly read other blogs that are targets of action by the owner of that blog.

2008年5月22日 星期四




2008年5月16日 星期五

The Presentation of Empirical analysis of online social network

Hello erery one:

If you have more interesting about this paper, which you can observe my presentation.

F. Feng, L. Lianghuan, W. Long,
Empirical analysis of online social network in the age of Web2.0
, 9 October 2007.